I Lost Followers By Stating Truth About Gender and Sex
And yes, I am an LGBTQIA+ advocate…
Truth is never black and white; it’s just a whole lot of grey. And many activists on both sides of the political spectrum fail to accept that. We have right-wing activists like former NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch lambasting inclusive language like “birthing person,” as if she’s not allowed to call herself “mother” anymore. And then we have left-wing activists getting angry at me for stating that there is a difference between cis women and trans women — even though I clearly argue how trans women are still women regardless.
I accept that activism may require dirty tactics. Women blew up letterboxes to gain the right to vote. Black people chained themselves to cafe counters to dismantle racial segregation. And queer people defiantly outed themselves to the world to gain acceptance. But it seems there’s a new tactic in new age activism: cherry-picking truths to better fit their agenda.
I wrote another article on how sexuality is fluid for many people. Not just in regards to preferring penis or vagina, but also in sexual desires and appetite. This was mostly directed towards straight people who fear being a little homosexual. As if it’s a bad thing. And one person commented that I shouldn’t say this because right-wing people will abuse this truth. The thing is, I never stated that gay people can become totally straight, or vice versa. In fact, I said that I, myself, will never enjoy sex with a woman. But this guy feared that the truth about sexual fluidity would hurt the progress we’ve made in regards to queer activism.
The fact is, we cannot gain progress on lies. Even ones that fall under omissions. That’s why we’re seeing growth in right-wing activism against LGBTQIA+, primarily towards trans people. And this is exactly why I wrote that article, stating that there is a difference between cisgender and transgender people. We cannot just avoid the fact that trans people had, at one stage, innate genitals. And that’s what a lot of right-wing activists complain about; that we avoid this truth so we can strengthen the argument that trans women are women and trans men are men. But, what I argue, is that we can still accept their preferred gender even with this truth.
And as a final argument, I said that the only people who should know what’s between a trans person’s legs is their doctor or fuck buddy. Which, frankly, covers all the bases around privacy. Especially when it comes to trans women using female bathrooms.
Ironically, we don’t hear much from men about trans men using their bathrooms. Even though men’s toilets have urinals where you can clearly see your neighbour’s wang…