Yes, I do. As Verushka says in this article, drag queens are helping straight people overcome their hatred of queer people. It also challenges people's ideas of masculinity and femininity, showing that they are not respective to submission and dominance. Sex, gender, and the way we portray ourselves does not affect our strength.
What makes a man a man?
As for the lack of drag kings, I suspect it's to do with the stronghold of masculinity. Because, deep down, I feel the masculine look can't compete with six inch heels, sequined dresses, and wigs that touch the ceiling. The drag kings I've seen tend to wear rugged clothes or uninviting suits, matched with painted on beards and a masculine persona. You know, the kind of persona a male has that is borderline sexist.
I feel that once we bridge that gap, drag queens will continue to slay, pardon the euphemism.