Why Gay Men Are Lonely

And no, it’s not because they’re gay. And yes, there is a way to overcome this.

Christopher Kelly
5 min readOct 7, 2022
Image: Mercedes Mehling via Unsplash

Despite the vibrancy of being a flaming homo, it’s a hard aesthetic to master in a world still beholden to straight values. We are pioneering multi-form relationships; they are still under the impression that one (opposite-sex) lover is the social norm. We are totally okay with fucking someone without knowing their name; they are still somehow stuck in the three bases of dating. And then there’s the ongoing battle between the sexes.

Lets face it, it’s hard to belong as an outsider in a world that is so… different.

Yes, I am saying that us gays are lonely because of the straight world we have been brought up to believe in. It perhaps explains why we are such outward creatures, desperately vying for attention through the “metaphor of party”, as comedian Hannah Gadsby once said.

Some people seek attention to prop up their drowning ego, but we seek attention to feel accepted. To feel normal. To feel a part of this world that we feel has abandoned us.

And yes, I can imagine you straight people are shouting that we have everything we could ever need in the western world. Marriage equality, the right to adopt, the absolute right to start a family with a white picket fence and a…

