What We’ve Learned From Covid-19
World, we need to talk…
From the States to the Himalayas, this world has lost the plot. Not even a wild drug-fest bender between Stephen King and Haruki Murakami could have predicted this wild onslaught of stupidity. We’ve got toilet paper flying off the shelves, leading officials testing positive to Covid-19, and a whackjob in the White House who is acting as blasé as a desperate housewife in Honolulu. What the hell, man!?
I want to say this world is f*cked, but unfortunately the virus is too weak to affect everyone. It’s also too transient for my liking. I don’t know about you but I was keeping my fingers crossed for wankers and selfish morons.
But I digress. I can’t bitch about hopes and dreams right now. This post is about the important lessons we’ve learned from Covid-19. And my god, it ain’t pretty…
Command Is A Euphemism
In the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson is Covid-19 positive today (28/03/2020). Ten days earlier he adopted an approach that saw only people admitted to hospitals being tested for the virus. I know, right?!
In the US, Trump is nearing 100,000 cases of Covid-19, the highest in the world. That is in light of the fact that Trump still prefers to call it the “Chinese Virus”. And in light of that fact, Trump is yet to come out in support of universal healthcare, which seems to work everywhere else. He also doesn’t care if some of you die:
In Mexico, a state governor has warranted outrage after claiming poor people are immune to Covid-19.
In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro claimed that Brazilians never catch anything. Even when drowned in poop!
And in Australia? We have an unclear federal leader who cannot make up his mind about who constitutes an “essential worker”.
So, command and leadership doesn’t mean much to some people?
Social Status Doesn’t Equate Intellect
You may be famous, but you shouldn’t lead a free world with this amount of stupidity:
Girl, you need some outside interference! Like, seriously. You need some economic advisor to come up and slap you in the face! And yet, what I can not fathom is how Trump’s ratings are going up…
Thankfully, I can attempt to understand why. We are all in a goddamn moment right now! How else can we vote for the rating poll?
In effect, just because you’ve got a social status, doesn’t mean you really need to lead the free world. I know people who are financial advisors who shouldn’t be leading bank accounts! And yet they do? What is up with that?
Here’s what we’ve learned: social status doesn’t equate to intellect. And yet, some of us think it does since we have an orange mop running Washington.
A true leader is someone who can come to the table and bring common sense. A person who can communicate effectively and rationally.
Someone like this next chick…
New Zealand Is The New Oasis
And here we were thinking it’s Norway. Look, Norway’s nice, but it ain’t got the government like New Zealand!
Here, let me introduce you to Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand:
Now that is leadership!
Personalising ideas that many other leaders fail to understand. Bringing the facts to the table. Showing complete understanding during a time of crisis. Being rational with common sense.
I’m sorry, but when all this crap dies down, New Zealand is the new tourist hot spot.
Coronavirus Is Not Gastroenteritis
What is with all the toilet paper going AWOL? You’d think gastroenteritis was on the rise; not a chest-filling, throat-infecting virus.
What the hell, guys?
Can we stop bulk buying toilet paper? Nobody will die from an unclean bum. I’m serious. It’s a coronavirus. It affects the lungs, throat and maybe the muscles. It may affect the digestive system, but it’s not enough to go bonkers over bog roll!
Calm the fudge down!
Also, what’s with all the pasta gone missing? Is everyone suddenly Italian?
We ALL Need Guidance
There’s a lack of leadership in the world. We need frontline people to take charge!
Tell us what is going on. Tell us what we need to do. How do we need to self-isolate? How do we need to social distance? Cause from what I’m seeing, none of them has a bloody clue.
I think we need to take some guidance from the New Zealand Prime Minister: “Pretend that you already have Covid-19.”
Act as if you should be isolating for the proper reason. Remove yourself from society, refrain from touching things everyone else touches, and bunker down.
The best way to beat coronavirus is with intellect.
What would Jesus really, truly, exceptionally do?