Trump Is Not Stupid; He’s A Megalomaniac

And we need to reframe him as such if we want a Democrat to win in 2020.

Christopher Kelly
6 min readAug 13, 2019

The insidious thing about the media is that it still has control over how we think about things. Take this recent article on celebrities sharing anecdotes about meeting Donald Trump from The Guardian. Here’s a fabulous quote about an anecdote from Woody Harrelson:

The story is a reminder of what is perhaps Trump’s one saving grace. Before he was president, he was just a common or garden celebrity. And this means that every other celebrity who ever met him has a story about what an idiot he is.

But let’s consider something here. Before Donald Trump became president of the United States, he was a businessman. Sure, some of his businesses flopped, but he seemed successful enough to be part of the high-end social circle of celebrities. You don’t get there by being an idiot. And you certainly don’t get there by being an idiot with little desire for power. Sure, Trump’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s certainly not the bluntest either, and let me show you why.

As a writer, I can see, hear and feel the power of words. If you’re clever enough, you can weave these words into a narrative that sounds real enough. These narratives have a subtle way of changing the way we see the…

