This is wholehearted content right here. It's what I needed to hear.
For so long I've wondered why I write, and I've come to the realisation that it's because I yearn for sense in a nonsensical world. I love to share known ideas and uncover new ones.
But writing isn't easy on a mental level. Even now I'm still trying to break into the world as a writer. My ideal career goal is either journalism or writing for a lifestyle guide, but I'm wondering if I should suck it up and go freelance, as much as the prospect unnerves me. Currently I write for a lifestyle guide one day a week, and I've been there for four years. It's great, and I'm being paid for that one day each week, but for the length of time it feels like I haven't been getting anywhere. As much as I know this not to be true. I have been getting somewhere.