The Easy Way To Apply False Lashes

They’re a bitch to work with, but they look so good

Christopher Kelly
3 min readNov 1, 2019

As a drag queen, false lashes are the epitome of a drag face. Without them, you may as well just call yourself a man in a dress. For women, they are the essential ingredient for a flashy face, adding a new layer to your eye sockets.

But for anyone who’s tried to glue them to your eyes, they know they can be such a pain. Your eyes can stick together thanks to the glue and sometimes they don’t sit quite well. But once they’re on, they look gorgeous.

So here is my plan for placing on lashes good every time.

Cut them down

The first step whenever you get a new pair for falsies is to cut them down. Most of them come quite long, too long to sit well on the eyes. They can go over the edge and look really tacky. So cut off a bit to help make it fit on the eye better.

My usual rule is 2–3 centimetres and always cut from the outside edge. The inside edge, the side closest to the nose, has lashes that are smaller in length than the opposite side. This is because it needs to match the aesthetics of the eye socket. If you cut from this end, it can stuff up the aesthetics.

Draw a line

