I don't appreciate you calling my arguments fallacious. They are based on fact. I do accept that my definition of intersex may not be to your standards, but that doesn't detract my main argument that trans women are women, even if their preferred sex is not innate. Bringing in intersex was used to verify that sex is not always black and white. That the definition of a woman cannot sit on body parts, genitals or even chromosomes alone. Being a woman is more than just some of our parts.
You can't tell me to stop talking about sex and gender issues just because I'm not intersex, trans or a woman. Would you tell a white person to not talk about racial issues? Even if talking about it could help progress the remedy of those issues? I love when straight people talk about gay issues.
I promise that from now on I'll use your definition of intersex whenever I write about it. I don't need your permission to write about it. Just like you don't need my permission to refute what I write. That's your prerogative.
I do wish you the best in remedying intersex issues!