Having Gay Sex Does Not Make You Gay

You’ve gotta do more than that to be gay…

Christopher Kelly
4 min readMay 12, 2022
Two gay men standing together with one unbuttoning the other’s jeans.
Image: christian buehner on Unsplash

Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung once said: “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” And this is true, up to a point. You’re not a writer if you just say you’re a writer, you have to write. Of course, writers are not the only people in this world who write. Everybody writes on some level. From shopping lists to Facebook rants. But what distinguishes passionate writers from everyone else is their absolute infatuation with writing.

In saying that, those who don’t like writing could still write, they just won’t enjoy it as much as passionate writers.

The same can be said for being gay. A man having sex with the same sex is part and parcel of being gay, but what separates those who do it and those who are truly gay is the level of infatuation. I could have sex with another woman, but that will not make me straight. Even if I managed to climax, it still wouldn’t make me straight. This is because I am not attracted to women.

So What Does Make You Gay?

To answer this question, I spoke with Dr Joe Kort, a psychotherapist who specialises in sexology. According to Dr Kort, being gay is not something you do, it’s an identity. Only we get to decide if we’re gay.

