Bisexuality Is The Silent Majority

Christopher Kelly
3 min readAug 3, 2020
Image: Dainis Graveris on SexualAlpha

Chances are you’ve done something sexual with someone of the same sex, even if it was a bit of show and tell or some touchy-feely. Which goes to show that the labels of gay and straight are not as concrete as we think.

In fact, according to this YouGov study in the United Kingdom, half of their young people aged 18–24 place themselves elsewhere on the sexuality spectrum. And those numbers have been rising over the years, suggesting that social pressures are dying out across the western world, giving us more freedom to explore. I suspect that there are more bisexuals than we actually think.

Of course, “bisexuality” is not a straightforward term. Not everyone is smack-bang in the middle and sexually devoted to both sexes equally. And that’s why a lot of people who may be bisexual are scared to label themselves as such.

Society likes to box people into categories because it’s simpler. They think you are either completely gay, straight or bi.

But that’s not entirely the truth…

The Fluidity of Sexuality

If we take a look at the world-renowned Kinsey Scale of sexuality, we can see why the labels are not concrete.

Sexuality is, essentially, a spectrum. And bisexuality falls in between heterosexual and homosexual. But…

