6 Sexual Health Facts Every Straight Person Should Know

Just your friendly gay man setting the record straight.

Christopher Kelly
5 min readNov 28, 2019

As a gay man, my sexual health knowledge is quite strong thanks to years of media saturation and stigma. But I find this is not the case for many straight people. Sure, heterosexuals wear condoms too, but protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancies is a little different than protecting yourself from STIs.

As every mother has said to their gay son: I don’t want you catching anything bad, darling. And so, I feel it’s my duty to bring the most important sexual health facts for my straight allies.

Sometimes you won't get any symptoms

Popular STIs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the most likely to share no symptoms, especially if they are caught in the throat. However, if you hold onto them long enough without getting treated, they will begin to stir up the body. In fact, nearly all STIs have the chance of being asymptomatic (no signs or symptoms). This includes HIV. So if you are regularly getting some action from a variety of fans, I recommend regularly getting tested. The usual rate is every six months, but you can up it to every three months if you’re overly deviant.

HIV + effective treatment = 0% risk of…

