3 Great Truths Cotton Candy Taught Me About Life

Christopher Kelly
4 min readDec 26, 2022
Image: Yarden on Unsplash

For a few weeks every year, for the last ten years, I’ve been whipping up cotton candy. That amounts to thousands upon thousands of buckets, bags, and sticks and well over a ton or so of sugar. It’s a fun job, especially when you see the smiles light up on the faces of children and lovey-dovey couples, or even the elderly person reminiscing on their childhood.

Of course, despite its frivolity, making cotton candy — or fairy floss as I like to call it — can also be tough. There are certain knacks to be learned, and, like any trade, practice makes perfect. But if you really love doing something, you’ll persevere! And now, after years of spinning sugar for eager eyes, I’ve come to learn three great truths. These are just as important in making fairy floss as they are in living your best life.

Prepare Your Place Before You Start

The French call it mise en place, which loosely translates to ‘putting in place’. It is a culinary term, essentially meaning to prepare your workplace so as to not waste time.

In the profession of making fairy floss, it is important to have your space set out. Especially if you are running two or three machines by yourself. This means having the sugar buckets filled and ready, the empty bags set in the right place, the sealer turned on and…

