10 Short Quotes To Enhance Your Life
Trust me, they’re short!
A good quote is short, snappy, and straight to the point. It never waffles, it just delivers the punch with gusto. And, like every good sentence, they make you understand.
In essence, quotes are like friends. They are there when you need them, ready to offer their wisdom. They know how you feel, because the person who wrote that quote has been through it. They traversed those rocky relationships, plowed through challenging careers or dealt with internal battles. Depression, anxiety, self-doubt.
Quotes are epiphanies, bringing the truth to life. And the best ones are short. Here are the best short quotes to enhance your life.
“Least said, soonest mended.”
Charles Dickens
Stop waffling on about what you did wrong. It’s in the past and your friend is probably getting sick of you continually bringing it up. Just say sorry and leave it at that. Eventually, you’ll both forget and the friendship can mend.
This quote can also mean to say less when you’re arguing about something. Stick to the point, say what you need to say, and leave it at that.
“What consumes your mind controls your life.”
Mel Robbins
You have two options in life: you can think about all the negative and while your life away into a pessimistic cesspool, or you could think about the good in life. Your successes, the good times.
Your thoughts dictate the future.
“Broken crayons still colour”
Shelley Hitz
A human’s sole purpose is to live. If you are still living, so is your purpose. Never forget that no matter how broken you are, you can still colour your life.
“No pressure, no diamonds.”
Thomas Carlyle
Nobody ever shines without pressure. The work pressures, the love pressures, even life pressures. Accept pressure, and you can expect diamonds.
“Work to become, not to acquire.”
Elbert Hubbard
The sad reality of life is that you need to work for money to survive. Thanks capitalism. But if all you ever do is work for the money, you’ll never become anything more than avaricious.
Work to become. A writer? A cleaning expert? A bona fide chef? It’s your life!
“Stay foolish to stay sane.”
Maxime Lagacé
As the old adage goes: don’t take live seriously, you’ll never get out alive. But what it fails to mention is that living truly is being foolish. Take risks, quit your job, go on a random holiday, have copious amounts of sex. Because that is living.
And with living comes sanity. That’s why fools always look happy.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Leonardo di Vinci
This is a broader version of the first quote, “least says, soonest mended”, stating that being simple is the most effective method. You don’t need to dig in too deep to make a statement. Even something as simple as a rose can mean so much to many.
“Just do it.”
It’s short, sweet and says everything. Just do it. Whatever it is you want to do, just do it. Buy that new dress, run that marathon, dance that dance.
Don’t even think about it, because rumination kills dreams. Forget your troubles and say to yourself, just fucking do it!
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.”
Mark Twain
What are you denying? What won’t you accept? You can say that denial is a river in Egypt, but all your doing is suffocating the truth. It is gasping for air, and it’s suffering is your suffering. Bring it up and let it out.
Let it breathe, and let yourself breathe too.
“Die with memories, not dreams.”
YOLO may have been the cringe-worthy statement of the 2010s, but it’s true. Do whatever you desire. Take your dreams and cement them into reality. It’s your life, after all.
Originally published at http://thegaystraighttalker.com on March 13, 2021.